
By: Ella Patenall – Content Manager for Tech co, a global resource for tech news and reviews. She writes on CRM strategy, email marketing, and content marketing. In her spare time, she writes a music blog
Nonprofit Marketing
A recent tweet from fundraiser Denise Casement said: ‘Every Direct Mail campaign we’ve done since March (right thru to yesterday) has been getting Christmas level results.” Don’t Stop Direct Mail Fundraising Direct mail
Having a limited digital marketing budget can be a challenge, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do any paid digital advertising. Here are some easy ways you can make the most of a
Mid-level donors are the backbone of your annual giving program and the pipeline for your major and planned giving portfolios.  While most nonprofits are engaging with their mid-level donors through a combination of
Nonprofit Marketing
There are many ways to engage your donors, but by far the best way to do so is to create a closer bond between your nonprofit and your donors by immersing them in
By Billy Sharma, Direct Marketing Consultant and Author YES! Most nonprofits are guilty of a very serious blunder:  They only engage with donors when they need money. Imagine if the only time you

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