

What Is Project Evaluation (And Why Should You Do It)? A couple of decades ago, funders handed out checks without worrying too much about whether the awardee really achieved the goals they’d set
Nonprofit Management and HR
So, a donation just came in, and you need to acknowledge the donation by sending a donation receipt letter, or the end of the year has rolled around, and it’s time to get busy generating
What Is A Gift Chart? A gift chart is a tool used to determine how many gifts and prospects you will need to raise a specific amount of money. These charts are often
Non-profit advertising is unique. While the purpose of commercial ads is to sell a product, non-profit ads need to be able to help people understand a specific problem, evoke empathy, and a desire
Nonprofit Marketing
Ever think of substituting your fundraising letter for a video? You might want to try it! There’s no better way to stir emotions and draw people in to tell them a story about
Nonprofit Marketing
Pictures can be an incredibly powerful tool of change. They can, argues Jonathan Klein, founder of Getty images, “change the world.” And he’s right. Powerful images have time and time again caused reactions
Nonprofit Marketing

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